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3030MUX Training Home

Introduction, Part 2

In the beginning...
- Telnet and connecting
- Creating a character
- Setting up your character

Basic MUX
- Help and News
- Say, Pose, and Page
- @Mail
- Enter and Leave

BMI Introduction
- Starting Up
- Heading and Navigate
- Speed
- Turning while Moving
- Dropping Prone
- Jumping
- Status

- Sensors and Weather
- Lock
- Scan
- Tactical
- Long Range Scan
- Arc of Fire
- Rotating Torsos

Sighting and Firing
- Weapons
- Melee Attacks
- Weapon Tics
- Gunnery Modifiers
- Hit Locations
- Heat
- The End

Fun With Macros
- Adding Sets
- Commands

Repair Corps Handbook
- !commands
- Damage, Repair, Fix
- Guns, Ammo, Other
- Scrapping
- 'Mech Information

3030 Scenario Information
Combat Unit Commands
What is 3030MUX?
Live, Eat, Breathe 3030MUX
"I Can Do It Better!"


status [[a]rmor|[i]nfo|[w]eapons|[s]hort] is the command for gaining information on all aspects of the unit your piloting.

For example:

Graphic 3H

> status a
Mech Name: Al Penetrator       ID:[ZL]   Mech Reference: PTR-4D
Tonnage:    75       MaxSpeed:  64       JumpRange: 4
Pilot Name: Tony                         Pilot Injury: 0
         FRONT                REAR                INTERNAL
         ( 9)                 (**)                  ( 3)
      /24|34|24\           / 7| 9| 7\            /16|23|16\
     (21/ || \21)         (   |  |   )          (12/ || \12)
       /  /\  \               /  \                /  /\  \
      (26/  \26)             /    \              (16/  \16)

Graphic 3I

> status i
Mech Name: Al Penetrator       ID:[ZL]   Mech Reference: PTR-4D
Tonnage:    75       MaxSpeed:  64       JumpRange: 4
Pilot Name: Tony                         Pilot Injury: 0
X, Y, Z:  4,  5,  0  Excess Heat:    0 deg C.  Heat Production:    0 deg C.
Speed:        0 KPH  Heading:        0 deg     Heat Sinks:        24
Des. Speed:   0 KPH  Des. Heading:   0 deg     Heat Dissipation: 240 deg C.

Most of this is self-explanatory, but a quick overview of some points:

ID: What other units use to identify your unit uniquely.
X, Y, Z: Your location on the map. Z is height.

Graphic 3J

> status w
Mech Name: Al Penetrator       ID:[ZL]   Mech Reference: PTR-4D
Tonnage:    75       MaxSpeed:  64       JumpRange: 4
Pilot Name: Tony                         Pilot Injury: 0
LARM: Ready  RARM: Ready  LLEG: Ready  RLEG: Ready
==================WEAPON SYSTEMS===========================AMMUNITION========
------ Weapon ------- [##]  Location ---- Status ||---- Ammo Type ---- Rounds
 ERLargeLaser         [ 0]  Left Arm      Ready  || Anti-MissileSyst     12
 ERLargeLaser         [ 1]  Right Arm     Ready  ||
 MediumPulseLaser     [ 2]  Left Torso    Ready  ||
 MediumPulseLaser     [ 3]  Left Torso    Ready  ||
 MediumPulseLaser     [ 4]  Left Torso    Ready  ||
 MediumPulseLaser     [ 5]  Right Torso   Ready  ||
 MediumPulseLaser     [ 6]  Right Torso   Ready  ||
 MediumPulseLaser     [ 7]  Right Torso   Ready  ||
 Anti-MissileSyst OFF [ 8]  Center Torso  Ready  ||

The letters H (hotloaded), N (narc), A (artemis), U (ultra), L (lbx), I (inferno), W (swarm), 1 (swarm1) may appear after the weapon name indicating a special status or ammo usage mode. Under status, a number is how many more game ticks remain until a weapon is recycled and ready to fire again. 'Ready' indicates the weapon is ready to use, and '*****' means the weapon is disabled and/or damaged. You may also see 'JAMMED' or 'DUD' or 'SHORTED' or 'EMPTY' if a weapon failure occurs. The ammo section shows remaining rounds for a specific ammo type. Above the weapons display is your limb status, showing if they're recycling or ready.

Graphic 3K

> status
Mech Name: Al Penetrator       ID:[ZL]   Mech Reference: PTR-4D
Tonnage:    75       MaxSpeed:  64       JumpRange: 4
Pilot Name: Tony                         Pilot Injury: 0
         FRONT                REAR                INTERNAL
         ( 9)                 (**)                  ( 3)
      /24|34|24\           / 7| 9| 7\            /16|23|16\
     (21/ || \21)         (   |  |   )          (12/ || \12)
       /  /\  \               /  \                /  /\  \
      (26/  \26)             /    \              (16/  \16)
X, Y, Z:  4,  5,  0  Excess Heat:    0 deg C.  Heat Production:    0 deg C.
Speed:        0 KPH  Heading:        0 deg     Heat Sinks:        24
Des. Speed:   0 KPH  Des. Heading:   0 deg     Heat Dissipation: 240 deg C.
LARM: Ready  RARM: Ready  LLEG: Ready  RLEG: Ready
==================WEAPON SYSTEMS===========================AMMUNITION========
------ Weapon ------- [##]  Location ---- Status ||---- Ammo Type ---- Rounds
 ERLargeLaser         [ 0]  Left Arm      Ready  || Anti-MissileSyst     12
 ERLargeLaser         [ 1]  Right Arm     Ready  ||
 MediumPulseLaser     [ 2]  Left Torso    Ready  ||
 MediumPulseLaser     [ 3]  Left Torso    Ready  ||
 MediumPulseLaser     [ 4]  Left Torso    Ready  ||
 MediumPulseLaser     [ 5]  Right Torso   Ready  ||
 MediumPulseLaser     [ 6]  Right Torso   Ready  ||
 MediumPulseLaser     [ 7]  Right Torso   Ready  ||
 Anti-MissileSyst OFF [ 8]  Center Torso  Ready  ||

The status command without anything after it shows all the information contained in status a, status i, and status w.

Graphic 3L

> status s
LOC:   4,  5,  0  HD:   0/  0  SP: 0.0/0.0  HT:   0/240  ST:

This is a one line (or two if you have a lock onto a target) status report of your unit meant to give you lots of information at a quick glance.

Congratulations! You've made it through the first chapter of the BattleMech Instructions. There are two chapters left.

Move on to the next chapter.