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Introduction, Part 2

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BMI Introduction
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- Status

- Sensors and Weather
- Lock
- Scan
- Tactical
- Long Range Scan
- Arc of Fire
- Rotating Torsos

Sighting and Firing
- Weapons
- Melee Attacks
- Weapon Tics
- Gunnery Modifiers
- Hit Locations
- Heat
- The End

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Sensors are an important aspect for a pilot to get used to. The quicker a pilot can learn on how to properly set the sensors, the longer he or she will survive out in the field.

Each unit has two sensors which are capable of being set to one of seven modes each. Each sensor mode has its advantages and disadvantages.

When locking onto a target, you lock use the sensor <primary> <secondary> command. Primary and secondary are the types of sensors to use (more on this below). If used with no arguments, it will display the status of your current sensor configuration. If you give one argument, then it will tell you information on how your current sensors work.

Refer to 'news combat sensors' for detailed charts on sensors.

Graphic 4C

> sensor

Primary:   Infrared (R:15)
Secondary: Electromagnetic (R:20)

> sensor -l

Primary:   Infrared
        Range:      15
        Blocked by: Fire/Obstacles, 6 pt woods
        Notes:      Easy to hit 'hot' targets, not very efficient in forests
Secondary: Electromagnetic
        Range:      20
        Blocked by: Mountains/Obstacles, 8 pt woods
        Notes:      Easy to hit heavies, good in forests (BTH), overall
unreliable (chances of detection/BTH)

> sensor i e

Primary:   Infrared (R:15)
Secondary: Electromagnetic (R:20)
Primary:   Light-amplification in 120 degree scanning mode (Forward arc)
(R:Visual (Dawn/Dusk), 3x Visual (Night))
Secondary: Electromagnetic (R:20)

Currently sensors are updated every 5 game TICKS. This means that if you change your sensor settings, it will not take effect until that 5 tick cycle has elapsed. When the mode changes, you will lose your current lock and have to re-lock.

Here is a run-down of each sensor, including the benefits, drawbacks, and other information:

The available sensor modes are:

o Visual (V)
o Electromagnetic (E)
o Infrared (I)
o Seismic (S)
o Light Amplification (L)
o Radar (R)
o Beagle ActiveProbe (B)

o Visual

This mode utilizes your units standard visual equipment to provide targetng information. It's main drawback, besides being the only sensor mode not to provide 360 degree coverage (being blind toward the side and rear arcs), is that it's range is dependant on the time of day and weather. The conditions command shows what your maximum visual range is.

There are no BTH modifers for this sensor mode, which makes it a key mode to use most of the time.

A special condition exists when you have both your sensors set to use visual mode. When this is set, your coverage extends to 360 degrees, whith your rear and side arcs getting 2/3 of your forward range.

o Electromagnetic

Relying on the electromagnetic emissions of of contacts to give targeting information, this mode is a highly used one since it potentially can give the best range at night. This mode provides 360 degree coverage.

Firing on units utilizing a EM lock can give modifiers anywhere from +1 to -1.

EM BTH MODIFIERS: Conditions Modifier --------------- ------- 65+ Ton Mecha -1 35-60 Ton Mecha 0 20-35 Ton Mech +1 Moving +1

o Infrared

Infrared sensors use the heat signature given off from a unit for targeting and tracking informaton. One great benefit of this mode is that it has a stable max range, which never changes. This mode provides 360 degree coverage.

The max range of infrared is always 15 hexes.

Firing on units utilizing a IR lock can give modifiers anywhere from +2 to -2.

No special conditions exists when you have both sensors set to use IR mode.

  IR Heat Scale  Modifier
  -------------  -------
  0-6            +2
  7-13           +1
  14-20          +0
  21-27          -1
  28+            -2

o Seismic

Seismic sensors give targeting and tracking information based on detected physical disturbances transmitted through the ground. Even though this mode is extreemly limited in range, it has one unique ability. Unlike all other sensors which need a valid line of sight to the contact, this mode does not. This means you can detect a unit on the other side of a wall or mountain with seismic mode. This mode provides 360 degree coverage.

Every twenty game ticks this sensor updates its max range, which is around 8 hexes.

No special conditions exists when you have both sensors set to use Seismic mode.

SEISMIC BTH MODIFERS: Target's Mass BTH Mod ------------- ------- 65+ -1 to hit 40-60 +0 to hit 0-35 +1 to hit

o Light Amplification

This mode utilizes your units special light equipment to provide targetng information. This sensor mode provides 3 times the visibility at night, and normal visibility at Dusk/Dawn.

There are no BTH modifers for this sensor mode, which makes it a key mode to use at night.

A special condition exists when you have both your sensors set to use visual mode. When this is set, your coverage extends to 360 degrees, whith your rear and side arcs getting 2/3 of your forward range.

o Radar

Radar mode is only available to a few combat units. It allows these units to see flying units (Aerospace fighters, VTOLs, and Dropships) much easier, and gives the unit using radar a -3 base-to-hit modification.

o Beagle Active Probe

Beagle Active Probe behaves like Seismic, except that it is not affected by "cover" terrain, such as smoke and forest. It also has a random modifier like Electromagnetic sensors.

Move on to the next section...