3030MUX Training Home
Introduction, Part 2
In the beginning...
- Telnet and connecting
- Creating a character
- Setting up your character
Basic MUX
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- Say, Pose, and Page
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- Enter and Leave
BMI Introduction
- Starting Up
- Heading and Navigate
- Speed
- Turning while Moving
- Dropping Prone
- Jumping
- Status
- Sensors and Weather
- Lock
- Scan
- Tactical
- Long Range Scan
- Arc of Fire
- Rotating Torsos
Sighting and Firing
- Weapons
- Melee Attacks
- Weapon Tics
- Gunnery Modifiers
- Hit Locations
- Heat
- The End
Fun With Macros
- Adding Sets
- Commands
Repair Corps Handbook
- !commands
- Damage, Repair, Fix
- Guns, Ammo, Other
- Scrapping
- 'Mech Information
3030 Scenario Information
Combat Unit Commands
What is 3030MUX?
Live, Eat, Breathe 3030MUX
"I Can Do It Better!"
The quickest way to get a foe who is not in the correct weapons arc into a firing arc is to rotate your torso. Rotating your torso takes no time, IE, is instantaneous. Your torso can be rotated in only 3 configurations: center (the norm), right and left. The effect of doing so is to move each arc 60 degrees to the right or left respectively:
The command to do this is rottorso <l|r|c>, with 'L' left 60 degrees, 'R' right 60 degrees, and 'C' center.
Note: the following pictures show the new arcs of the Mecha, for instance the forward arc is 60 degrees to the right from centered torso diagram for the follwing Right Torso diagram.
The degrees shown are just a sample of degrees for this situation. The mech is heading 0 degrees (feet facing) in this diagram. Graphic 4N
> rottorso r
You rotate your torso right
Torso Right:
300 deg 0 deg
\ Left |
\ Arm Arc |
\ 'l' |
\ | Forward
|| | || Arc
|| _-_ || '*'
Rear |>(_O_)<|
Weapons || | ||
Arc | \
'v' | Right \
| Arm Arc \
| 'r' \
180 deg 120 deg
> rottorso c
You center your torso
> rottorso l
You rotate your torso left
Torso Left:
0 deg 120 deg
| Right /
| Arm Arc/
| 'r' /
Forward | /
Arc || | ||
'*' || _-_ ||
|>(_O_)<| Rear
|| | || Weapons
/ | Arc
/Left | 'v'
/ Arm Arc|
/ 'l' |
240 deg 180 deg
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Move on to the next chapter.