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3030MUX Training Home

Introduction, Part 2

In the beginning...
- Telnet and connecting
- Creating a character
- Setting up your character

Basic MUX
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BMI Introduction
- Starting Up
- Heading and Navigate
- Speed
- Turning while Moving
- Dropping Prone
- Jumping
- Status

- Sensors and Weather
- Lock
- Scan
- Tactical
- Long Range Scan
- Arc of Fire
- Rotating Torsos

Sighting and Firing
- Weapons
- Melee Attacks
- Weapon Tics
- Gunnery Modifiers
- Hit Locations
- Heat
- The End

Fun With Macros
- Adding Sets
- Commands

Repair Corps Handbook
- !commands
- Damage, Repair, Fix
- Guns, Ammo, Other
- Scrapping
- 'Mech Information

3030 Scenario Information
Combat Unit Commands
What is 3030MUX?
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In the rigors of combat, your BTH will almost never be exactly equal to your gunnery base skill. There will be many factors, or modifiers, that will affect what your BTH will be. Such modifiers may be divided into 6 categories:

      o Range Modifiers
      o Movement Modifiers
            - Attacker
            - Target
      o Position Modifiers
      o Damage Modifiers
      o Terrain Modifiers
      o Sensor Modifers


All weapons have the following characteristics.

      - Long range: +4 to your Base-To-Hit (BTH)
      - Medium range: +2 to your BTH
      - Short range: +0 to your BTH

Thus shooting someone at long range would require a BTH of 8 (gunnery +4), at medium range, 6 (gunnery +2), and at short range, 4. This is assuming both targets are standing stationary on flat terrain.


Your movement affects your BTH by a fair ammount.

Movement Modifier -------- -------- Walking +1 Running +2 Jumping +3

Thus firing a weapon at short range, at full speed will give you a BTH of 6 (gunnery +4).


The movement of your target also affects your ability to hit it, your BTH.

Hexes Moved Target Speed Modifier ----------- ------------ ----------------- 3-4 35-43 kph +1 5-6 57-64 kph +2 7-9 77-96 kph +3 10+ 118+ kph +4 Jumping Jumping speed + 1

Example: You are shooting at a LCT-1V, running at a maximum speed of 129 kph. At short range, your BTH is 8.

Example: You are shooting at a SDR-9K, jumping at its maxmimum JumpRange of 8, which corresponds to a speed of 86 kph. At short range, your BTH is 8 (+3 for moving 86kph +1 for being in the air)

Example: You are shooting at a Panther that jumps 4 hexes, which corresponds to 43 KPH, At short range BTH is 6. (+1 for moving 4 hexes, and +1 for jumping)


Your target can be in one of 4 positions

      - Standing/Mobile
            Opponent is standing and/or able to move
      - Prone
            Opponent is in the Fallen position
      - In Partial Cover
            Opponent is standing behind something
      - Immobile
            Opponent is shutdown or unconcious

Position Modifier -------- -------- Open +0 Prone -2 from adjacent hex Prone +1 non-adjacent hex Partial Cover +3 Immobile -4


When damaged by the enemy, you may lose actuators. This has the effect of harming your movement capability, and your offensive capability. The effects can be cumlitive when recieving multiple crits of the same type. Vehicles have their own special critical hit affects chart too since they have no 'crits' to hit.

Name Location Effect --------- --------- -------------------------------------- Sensor Head +2 to hit (all attacks), loss of sensor mode Shoulder Arm +4 to hit (that arm only), no physical attacks allowed with that limb. Arm (x2) Arm +1 to hit (that arm only), +2 on physical attacks with that limb. Hand Arm +1 to hit (hand-held weapons), +1 on physical attacks with that limb. Hip Leg +2 to all pilot rolls Leg (x2) Leg +1 to all pilot rolls Foot Leg +1 to all pilot rolls Gyro CT +3 to all pilot rolls 2nd Gyro CT Mech immobile


Terrain may have an affect on your ability to hit with weapons, by raising your BTH.

/""\ Heavy woods: +2 per intervening hex, or target hex. \""/ /``\ Light woods: +1 per intervening hex, or target hex. \``/ /~~\ Depth 1 water: +3 for partial coverage, \~1/ -1 for water = +2

All other terrain do not normally affect BTH. Examples:

Graphic 5F

     \  /~~\__/~~\__/  \  /""\  /""\__/""\  /""\  /""\  /""\  /""\  /""\
  25 /~~\~1/  \~1/  \__/BA\""/""\""/* \"2/^^\""/^^\"2/^^\""/""\""/""\""/ 25
     \~3/  \__/  \  /  \  /  \""/  \  /  \^2/  \^2/  \^2/  \"1/  \""/  \

Target: BA 3 hexes away.
                Modifier to BTH = +2 x 3 = +6


The current sensor mode you have selected is the final major factor that will determinte what BTH modifiers you have. As already noted, when firing on a unit in visual mode, there is no modifers associated with that sensor mode. All other modes have modifers that greatly will affect your BTH.

Move on to the next section...