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3030MUX Training Home

Introduction, Part 2

In the beginning...
- Telnet and connecting
- Creating a character
- Setting up your character

Basic MUX
- Help and News
- Say, Pose, and Page
- @Mail
- Enter and Leave

BMI Introduction
- Starting Up
- Heading and Navigate
- Speed
- Turning while Moving
- Dropping Prone
- Jumping
- Status

- Sensors and Weather
- Lock
- Scan
- Tactical
- Long Range Scan
- Arc of Fire
- Rotating Torsos

Sighting and Firing
- Weapons
- Melee Attacks
- Weapon Tics
- Gunnery Modifiers
- Hit Locations
- Heat
- The End

Fun With Macros
- Adding Sets
- Commands

Repair Corps Handbook
- !commands
- Damage, Repair, Fix
- Guns, Ammo, Other
- Scrapping
- 'Mech Information

3030 Scenario Information
Combat Unit Commands
What is 3030MUX?
Live, Eat, Breathe 3030MUX
"I Can Do It Better!"

Scrapping Commands

removepart [location] [crit number]

When a Mech is to be scrapped, the removepart command allows a Tech to remove the critical parts from that mech. The parts should always be removed from a Mech location before that location is scrapped. The time for a successful or unsuccessful removal is 40 minutes. The time for a critical failure is one hour and the part remains in the Mech undamaged. An example of this command for the removal of a Foot actuator from the right leg of a Mech is: removepart rl 4.

The time required for this removal ranges between 40 and 45 minutes for a successful or unsuccessful removal. A critical failure wil take one hour and the part will remain in the mech.

removegun [weapon number]

Sometimes a Mech will have useful weapons on it even if it has been destroyed. By using this command, a Tech can salvage those weapons and place them in the Repair Bay stores for later use.

removesection [location]

This command will remove a limb or other section from a Mech that is to be scrapped. Please check that section before entering this command as any remaining parts will be lost once this command had been entered. An example of this would be the removal of the right arm from a Mech: removesection ra.

The time required for this command varies between Mech parts but is usually falls between 2 and 4 hours.

Move on to information about sections in the next lesson.