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3030MUX Training Home

Introduction, Part 2

In the beginning...
- Telnet and connecting
- Creating a character
- Setting up your character

Basic MUX
- Help and News
- Say, Pose, and Page
- @Mail
- Enter and Leave

BMI Introduction
- Starting Up
- Heading and Navigate
- Speed
- Turning while Moving
- Dropping Prone
- Jumping
- Status

- Sensors and Weather
- Lock
- Scan
- Tactical
- Long Range Scan
- Arc of Fire
- Rotating Torsos

Sighting and Firing
- Weapons
- Melee Attacks
- Weapon Tics
- Gunnery Modifiers
- Hit Locations
- Heat
- The End

Fun With Macros
- Adding Sets
- Commands

Repair Corps Handbook
- !commands
- Damage, Repair, Fix
- Guns, Ammo, Other
- Scrapping
- 'Mech Information

3030 Scenario Information
Combat Unit Commands
What is 3030MUX?
Live, Eat, Breathe 3030MUX
"I Can Do It Better!"

Fun with Macros, Part 2

To see the macros in a set, simply type:

.ex <slot number>

This is what you should have seen when you looked at the general set:

Graphic 5A

Macro Definitions for Generic
  0    : fire 0 *
  1    : fire 1 *
  2    : fire 2 *
  3    : fire 3 *
  4    : fire 4 *
  5    : fire 5 *
  6    : fire 6 *
  7    : fire 7 *
  8    : fire 8 *
  9    : fire 9 *
  a    : status a
  ams  : ams *
  asc  : critstatus as
  at   : addtic *
  ax   : axe *
  b    : bearing *
  bb   : +bbread *
  bk   : speed back
  br   : brief *
  c    : contacts *
  ca   : sendchannel a=*
  cal  : check calibration
  cb   : sendchannel b=*
  cc   : sendchannel c=*
  cd   : sendchannel d=*
  ce   : sendchannel e=*
  cf   : sendchannel f=*
  cg   : sendchannel g=*
  ch   : charge *
  chop : chop *
  ci   : sendchannel i=*
  comp : +complexes
  cond : conditions
  cp   : check patrols
  cs   : census
  ct   : cleartic *
  ctc  : critstatus ct
  dd   : prone
  do   : dropoff
  dp   : prone
  dt   : deltic *
  eb   : enterbase *
  ebay : enterbay *
  ecm  : ecm *
  elev : lrs e *
  eta  : eta *
  f    : firetic 0
  fa   : fliparms
  fc   : findcenter
  ff   : firetic 1
  fff  : firetic 2
  ffff : firetic 3
  flip : fliparms
  fsc  : critstatus fs
  ft   : firetic *
  h    : heading *
  hc   : critstatus h
  hdc  : critstatus h
  i    : status i
  inf  : inferno *
  j    : jump *
  k    : kick l *
  l    : lock *
  lac  : critstatus la
  lbx  : lbx *
  lch  : listchannels
  llc  : critstatus ll
  lrt  : lrs t *
  lsc  : critstatus ls
  lt   : listtic *
  ltc  : critstatus lt
  m    : speed run
  mas  : masc
  me   : !mechs
  mech : lrs m *
  min  : +mines
  n    : navigate
  nar  : narc *
  obj  : +objectives
  p    : punch *
  pp   : check patrols
  pu   : pickup *
  r    : range *
  rac  : critstatus ra
  rc   : rottorso c
  re   : report *
  rl   : rottorso l
  rlc  : critstatus rl
  rr   : rottorso r
  rsc  : critstatus rs
  rtc  : critstatus rt
  s    : speed *
  s0   : sight 0
  s1   : sight 1
  s2   : sight 2
  s3   : sight 3
  s4   : sight 4
  s5   : sight 5
  s6   : sight 6
  s7   : sight 7
  s8   : sight 8
  s9   : sight 9
  sc   : scan *
  sch  : setchannelfreq *
  scm  : setchannelmode *
  sct  : setchanneltitle *
  se   : sensor *
  sp   : speed *
  spec : weaponspecs
  ss   : status s
  st   : status *
  t    : tactical *
  th   : thrash *
  time : @pemit me=The time is [time()].
  tu   : turret *
  tuc  : critstatus tu
  u    : stand
  ul   : ultra *
  up   : stand
  w    : status w
  we   : conditions
  weap : weaponspecs
  wiz  : +wizards
  wk   : speed walk
  ws   : weaponspecs
  z    : speed 0

The column on the left is the short version of the command. The column on the right is what the short version of the command will do when used. All the commands on the left must start with a period or it will not work. For example, typing: .st will bring up the same thing as the status command in combat units. If the column on the right has a * in it, that means that you can put in arguments to the macro command. For example, .sch A=511 would be the same as typing setchannelfreq A=511.

It is not neccessary to know every macro in the general set, but chances are that you will want to learn alot of them to help you type commands faster. You will probably learn them by practicing with them, and eventually you will not even need to look at the set to remember what they do.

Congratulations, this is the end "Fun With Macros" (lesson 6). Here is a review of what we learned:

Adding Macro Sets.

Using Macro Commands.

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